So it has become apparent that there has been a lack of posts, across all platforms, lately. The way that sentence is constructed makes it sound like this has come as a surprise to me, that's because it has!
It has unfolded this way without any intention.
Reflecting on it, this was bound to happen, and could possibly have been predicted as far back as March. Although there was an incident that cemented the outcome.
It started with the idea of painting & decorating the house in celebration of 10 years since moving in. A glass of wine and some time in the garden would have done it, but you know, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
At the start of the task, I wrestled with some ladders and injured my back.
Now this was painful. Let's put it in some context.
I have smashed out my front teeth, broken both arms, melted my cornea, fractured my skull...and more! But you get the picture; I've got some injuries to compare with the back pain. This seemed more debilitating than any of them, maybe not counting the two weeks in the hospital HDU with my noggin.
So loads of physiotherapy, acupuncture, stretching, and gym time on a treadmill for measured walking bouts, did a good job of painfully devouring my time and energy, which in turn altered my approach to the year. And now with some distance from the event, and turning it into a positive, I am fitter, and more aware of the complexity – the cogs and pulleys – of the body. The list of injuries indicate my previous flagrant disregard for paying attention to taking care.
Now at this age and point of life, I appreciate the accelerated lesson.
This has resulted in far less time out with my camera, no time sat at the drawing desk, or computer – in website, blog and Instagram terms, sadly no content.
It will all start up again, but my back still plagues me, and you know it must be said, the break away from 'likes', SEO, page views, activity stats, algorithms and all that stuff has been really refreshing. I enjoy it and so hadn't really considered how relaxing it would be without slaving too it, which is sometimes how it feels.
Anyway, the most important thing, and what I really want to do, is getting out and seeing the world with my camera, and creating new collage and illustration pieces.
Take care,
Kev Cooper