At long last some sunshine! However, below are some photographs from the previous week, in which there was plenty of rain.
Excerpt from monthly bulletin:
Carrying on from last months bulletin, there is still a bike ride each morning. And yes, I have been pissed on a few times. The saying ‘no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes’ is softly repeated to muster up enthusiasm before heading out. The expression is sustained as I pull on waterproof trousers and zip up my jacket, preparing to duel with the weather. But when the water has funnelled its way into the gaps, and the sound of rain pelting the jacket hood has amplified to a volume that drowns the mantra out, it’s time to go home.
The camera doesn’t like it either.
Still, I continue to benefit from the effort each day.
The route varies but I seem to get pulled towards Towan Beach most times. Whatever route is taken, I always make a point of seeing the ocean – to look out to sea has always, and I trust will always, captivate me.
Storms trundle over Cornwall at this time of year, with coastline headlands taking the brunt. Howling winds drive sea spray and rain around the cliffs, rocks and exposed grassy hillocks, leaving only the most committed to taking a walk.
Sometimes this is the chosen option. It works well to enliven dull, settled brain cells, like the flurry of snowflakes in a vigorously shaken snow globe.
Towan Beach, Newquay, is central and sheltered, so I usually pass it before branching off in another direction. Being shielded from many wind directions (but not the dreaded northerlies), means this place attracts most of Newquay’s shoreline activity during winter, and the harbour is a stone’s throw for further protection if the conditions really close in.
Each day, without fail, a number of cold water swimmers gather and enjoy morning dips. The thrill can be heard from a distance, the buzz provides a warmth on the coldest days.
So now 2024 is underway and already, with my morning bike rides and camera, there is an accumulation of photos from around Newquay, Cornwall, in the mornings. This is different then my approach of taking pictures over the past few years. Because there are other reasons for my morning outings; exercise, getting natural light in the depth of winter, I find myself cycling, stopping, and getting a shot before moving on. In previous years I would set out on foot for hours on end, with the prime intention of getting photographs.I like the way things are going, and of course there is no right or wrong, just an alternative approach to be enjoyed.