12 August 2023


Just a quick post from work this week. This custom order came through the factory which warranted the use of my overhead projector and Posca pens.

There was a time when both were in constant use, especially Posca pens. Uni-Posca is a Japanese company that seemed to burst onto the scene, largely in part to the amazing work of Drew Brophy on Lost Surfboards in the 90's.

I can remember a couple of seasons that got swamped with Posca Pen artwork requests on surfboards, and then like many fashions it faded off to be replaced by something new, now they are rarely required on surfboards. They are still an extremely versatile and popular pen, with many artists using them.

Anyway, it's good when a board comes along so the pen tin can be opened.

More photos of surfboards and waves can be seen at sleeplessink.com